Terms & Conditions


46th Annual SU Juried Student Art Exhibition

Kauffman Gallery: April 26 - May 7, 2025
Online Exhibit: May 12, 2025 - February 1, 2026


Kauffman Gallery - Huber Art Center

Shippensburg University

1871 Old Main Drive

Shippensburg, PA   17257






All enrolled (and December 2024 graduates) Shippensburg University students are eligible.


Two and three dimensional works of art are eligible.




All art work is submitted by the SU student using their Shippensburg University official email address; all other email addresses will be disqualified. There is no entry fee.


Each student may submit up to five (5) entries. Submissions must be uploaded to ArtCall.org  by Friday, April 11, 2025 (by 11:59 pm). Work must be original and no substitutions. All work must not have been accepted/included in a previous SU Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition.


The student may enter and change entries as many times as they wish up until the close of entries; Friday, April 11, 2025. Submission of entries begins February 1, 2025 and continues until April 11, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

There are many online sites and articles on “How to photograph your art work”; (search YouTube). Review these sites for further information.

Entries must be submitted using jpg or png files. Digital files (jpg, png) may not exceed 4mb and a maximum of 4800px on the longest side.


If the work of art is accepted, the photograph submitted will be used in the online gallery exhibit without alterations. Please review photographs before submitting them.



The following categories are eligible for this exhibition: Ceramic & Glass, Design, Digital Art, Drawing, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, and Sculpture.  A description of each category is found at the end of the Terms and Conditions.



Original work is defined as inventive, creative, and highly distinctive. Do not submit copies, reproductions or duplications of previously printed materials, online images, art, or photographs. 


Size Limitations

All entries must be able to pass through the entrance to the Kauffman Gallery.


Entry Regulations

Work must have been produced while a student at Shippensburg University.


Value on submission may not be changed. The Kauffman Gallery will not take a commission on sales for this exhibition.


The Kauffman Gallery and Shippensburg University reserves the right to photograph art works for publicity and future advertising purposes.


Entry in the exhibition will constitute agreement to the terms described herein.



Awards will be made at the discretion of the judges. $2,500.00 is available for cash awards.


Exhibition Jurors

The jurors will select the exhibition and award winners. 


It is very important that each entry be photographed with clarity, including the appropriate background or cropping and lighting. 


2025 Exhibition Judges - TBA

Virtual Art Gallery

The exhibit will be staged in the Kauffman Gallery (April 26 - May 7, 2025) and then as a virtual exhibit online (May 12, 2025 - February 1, 2026). All entries will appear in the virtual gallery as they are photographed and submitted without alteration. Photographs of the entries should be reviewed carefully by the artist for quality. Please see the Sample Entry page, on the Home page menu bar, for guidance in photographing your art work.


Actual Artworks to the Kauffman Gallery

Artists will deliver their entries to the Kauffman Gallery on Monday, April 14, 9 am - 3 pm. Entries not registered with ArtCall.org by Friday, April 11, 2025 by 11:59 pm, will not be accepted.


Kauffman Gallery

Shippensburg University is located in the Cumberland Valley in south-central Pennsylvania, near exits 24 and 29 of Interstate 81, approximately 30 minutes from the Maryland state line. The university was established in 1871 and boosts a rich tradition of quality education in liberal arts, sciences, education, and business.



Exhibition Calendar:


April 11, 2025 - Registration and online submissions end at 11:59 pm


April 14 - All actual artworks (entries) deivered to the Kauffman Gallery, 9 am - 3 pm.

April 15 - Judging begins


April 26 - Exhibition Opening Reception, 1 - 3 pm. Awards presented at 1:30 pm.


May 7, 2025 - Exhibition Closes



- Questions -


Q: Must I use my Shippensburg University email address to register and submit my entries?


A: Yes. All other email addresses will be disqualified.



Q: When can I register and submit my entries?


A: Now. The website is open. Submissions will end on Friday, April 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm. No entries will be accepted after 11:59 pm on Friday, April 12.



Q: Once an entry is submitted can the entry be removed and another art work be submitted in its place?


A: Yes. Individual entries, and or all five (5), can be changed at any time, and as many times as the student wishes, right up until the entry deadline, Friday, April 12, at 11:59 pm.



Q: What is the maximum size the digital photograph can be when I upload the image (art work)?


A: Submissions must be under 4mb and a maximum of 4800px on the longest side.



Q: Can anyone view the exhibit online?


A: Yes. The virtual exhibit will be open from May 13, 2024 until November 1, 2024.



Q: When will I know who are the award winners?


A: Award winners will be identified at the Opening Reception on April 27, 2024, at 1:30 pm. Award winners will also be posted online on the SU Art & Design Department Kauffman Gallery webpage.




Exhibition Categories:


Ceramic and Glass  (C/G):


Functional objects made of ceramic and glass. Examples include but art not limited to: vases, teapots, bowls, plates, cups, tiles, tableware or vessels. Ceramic pieces may include earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, etc. Glass pieces may include stained glass, cast glass, fused glass, blown glass, etc. Special Instructions: Submit non-functional ceramic or glass works, such as busts, figures or abstract forms to the Sculpture category. Submit ceramic or glass works intended to be worn for personal adornment to the Jewelry category.



Design  (DSN):


Design: Art created for commercial or applied purposes. Design includes work that has a defined function such as advertising, communications or product design. Examples include but are not limited to: magazine layouts, book covers, greeting cards, fonts, letterhead, business cards, calendars, signage, as well as proposals for products such as electronic devices, cars, bicycles, skateboards, furniture, toys, etc. Special Instructions: Work designed using 3D modeling software, and/or executed as a 3D-printed object, should be submitted to the Sculpture category.



Digital Art   (DA):


Digital Art: Computer-generated artwork OR artwork captured digitally and heavily collaged or manipulated to produce a new image. The production of digital art relies heavily upon computer software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, GIMP, Macromedia Freehand, CorelDraw, or other graphics editing programs. Examples included but are not limited to: Digital collages, photo manipulation, digital painting, and fractal art. Special Instructions: Identify computer software used in the “List Materials” section of the online submission form. Digital artwork may contain text, but submissions that contains text for commercial purposes should be entered in the Design category. Digital photographs that are “touched up” or lightly manipulated using computer software should be entered in the Photography category. If you are using collaged images, please refer to the copyright and plagiarism guide.



Drawing   (DRW):


Drawing: Art drawn on a two-dimensional surface. Examples include but are not limited to: Pencil, ink, charcoal, pastel, crayon, scratchboard, marker, etc. Special Instructions: Drawings copied from published photographs, the internet or existing works should not be submitted and will be disqualified. Please refer to the copyright and plagiarism guide for more detailed information. 



Jewelry   (J):


Jewelry: Art objects worn for personal adornment. Examples include but are not limited to: Bracelets, rings, brooches, earrings, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. Special Instructions: Materials may include metal, semi-precious stones, plastic, beading, glass, found objects, etc. 



Mixed Media   (MM):


Mixed Media: Art made from more than one medium, usually with a three-dimensional element. Examples include but are not limited to: Collage, assemblage, cut paper, handmade paper, batik, fiber-based art, fine art books, etc. Special Instructions: Combinations of painting and drawing applied only to one surface should be submitted to either the Painting or Drawing categories. Mixed media assemblages meant to be viewed in the round should be submitted in the Sculpture category. 



Painting   (PTG):


Painting: Art created by applying pigment to a two-dimensional surface. Examples include but are not limited to: Oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, tempera, ink, encaustic, fresco, spray paint, etc. applied on canvas, canvas board, paper or any flat surface. Special Instructions: Paintings copied from published photographs, the internet, or existing works should not be submitted and will be disqualified. Please refer to the copyright and plagiarism guide for more detailed information.



Photography   (PHO):


Photography: Images captured by either an analog or digital camera. Examples include but are not limited to: Black and white photographs, color photographs, digital or analog photographs, photograms, other experimental photography, etc. Special Instructions: Identify type of photographic techniques used in the “List Materials” section of online registration. Editing software (Adobe Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Photo Pro, Photo Explosion, etc.) is acceptable to use for minor touch-ups and image correction in a manner that replicates traditional darkroom techniques (cropping, dodging, burning, adjusting brightness, contrast, color balance, etc). Works that are digitally collaged, cloned, layered, merged, distorted, or heavily manipulated with computer software must be submitted in the Digital Art category. 



Printmaking   (PM):


Printmaking: Art made by printing on a flat surface. Examples include but are not limited to: Monotype, collograph, woodcut/linocut, intaglio, lithography, etching, silkscreen printing, etc. Special Instructions: Identify the printmaking technique used in the “List Materials” section of online registration.



Sculpture   (S):


Sculpture: Three-dimensional art objects created by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques. Examples include but are not limited to: Modeled, carved, cast, constructed, or assembled objects. Materials may include but are not limited to: clay, cardboard, metal, acrylic, wood, glass, stone, marble, textiles, plastics, and found objects.





Questions please contact:


Michael Campbell, Professor of Art

Director, The Kauffman Gallery



This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions